In St. Alexis Parish, Bensenville, Illinois (Diocese of Joliet), there is a group of of mothers ("El Grupo de las Mamás de San Alexis") who strive to share their time, talent and treasure to assist those most in need, near and far! Supported by their Pastor, Fr. Matthew, and the Parish Council, the member of this group of mothers conducted a campaign to collect backpacks filled with school supplies to be transported to Petit-Goâve, Haiti and distributed to the students of Child Jesus School. A weekend was designated when all in the parish were invited to bring their donations of backpacks filled with school supplies. The parishioners responded with amazing generosity. Enough backpacks were donated to provide each student of Child Jesus School with their own backpack and ample school supplies. What a generous and loving gesture! We are truly grateful to this group for their generosity, their care and concern, their prayers and support. This group of mothers has also generously provided funds and continue to seek ways in which they can best continue to support and help the students of Child Jesus School. Blessings to each one of them, their families, their Pastor and their Parish Community.
We are also very grateful to John Shoults and Family from the ACA Logistics Inc., Elmhurst, IL
for their assistance in packaging and shipping the backpacks from Bensenville, Illinois to West Palm Beach, Florida, from where they were later shipped to Haiti. Fr. Marc Claudy Magloire picked up all the packages of backpacks and brought them to Child Jesus School, Petit-Goave, Haiti, where they were distributed to all the children. What a joy filled day that was!!

Grupo de las Mamás de San Alexis / Moms Group of St. Alexis

John Shoults & Family, ACA Logistics Inc., Elmhurst, IL
